Maharishi Institute of Management was established in 1995 in India under the auspious of Maharishi Shiksha Sansthan, a Registered Society under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 with the latest principles, practices & technologies of modern management from around the world. The goal of Maharishi Institute of Management is to create problem free management in India through management based on Natural Law so that India can successfully meet the challenges of the globalized economy, maintain the cultural integrity & rise to leadership in the family of Nations. The management training at MIM accomplishes these goals by providing not only career oriented education but also life oriented education through Maharishi’s consciousness based education system.
MIM offers superior training in the field of management. This training provides not only job-oriented education, but also life oriented education through Maharishi’s Unified Field Based Education System, a system that develops the full potential of the students. MIM has campuses in Greater Noida, Banglore, Bhopal & Indore.
Maharishi Center for Educational Excellence (MCEE), Bhopal was established in 1999 and Maharishi Institute of Management [MIM] commenced functioning in 2001, with the divine blessings of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ji, with the prime objective to provide Quality and Value Based Education to the students in Management, Computer Science and Education. MIM Bhopal equips the future managers of India with the latest principles, practices, and technologies of modern management from around the world.
Value System of MIMMIM has something for which higher education is still groping for, a clear set of values and a method of teaching them. At MIM developing business leaders is not an act of mere information feeding or exposure to books, rather the entire system of education is woven around its unique philosophy which strongly emphasizes on East-West synthesis of our rich ancient Indian heritage & modern management science.
Every student at Maharishi Centre For Education Excellence - MIM has been provided with a scientifically validated technology for unfolding his fully creative intelligence while simultaneously eliminating stress & fatigue from the body. This technology is called Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Siddhi Program.